Saturday, 4 February 2012

Music Institution - Who makes and produces magazines?

I feel that it is extremely important for us to know about the production of music magazines, in order for us to understand how important the process is and how it affects people who but them.

Magazines are a generally published on a regular schedule. They are generally financed by advertising, purchase price, pre-paid magazines subscriptions or all three.
How can magazines be distributed?
Magazines can be distributed through the mail, through sales by news-stands, book-stores or other vendors; or through free distribution at selected pick-up locations. Sales models for distribution fall into three main categories.
Bauer Media

Bauer Media is a division of the Bauer Media Group, Europe’s largest privately owned publishing Group. The Group is a worldwide media empire offering over 300 magazines in 15 countries, as well as online, TV and radio stations.
Bauer Media joined the Bauer Media Group in January 2008 following acquisition of Emap plc’s consumer and specialist magazines, radio, TV, online and digital businesses. Collectively, the Group employs some 6,400 people.
Bauer Media is a multi-platform UK-based media Group consisting of many companies collected around two main divisions – Magazines and Radio - widely recognised and rewarded as being industry innovators. ----------------> research found from the interenet.   Latifa. Avenell 

Monday, 23 January 2012

Font and Names Ideas

Here we are experimenting different font styles and names in which will attract our target audience “young adults" for our magazine. We asked a number of people from our potential audience what they think, which style font and names are most is appealing for our magazine. Results showed that most people found the name "FUSION" the most appealing as it connects with the audience and suggests our magazine to being powerful and unique. We decided that we should decide upon a magazine name before we decided which font to use, so that we are sure the font suits the name. 
Some of these fonts shown, we will not use as some are too busy and will not suit our rock classic magazine. 

RHYTHM- The name "rhythm" seems like a typical music magazine name, it doesn't offer originality, moreover it is a name that best suits an "RnB" magazine rather than Rock classic. 
We are looking for our font style to be edgy but not overpowering, yet looks eye catching and has an interesting look to it. Names such as "CHUNE" and "SOUL" , I think attract the more urban,grime, rap music magazine as it offers that new fresh flavour that is becoming popular in the music industry but unfortunately will not represent our magazine as Classic Rock! 
I think the name " FUSION" suits our genre of our magazine perfectly. It attracts attention without making the magazine sound like a totally different genre that we intended. It's powerful and definitely says that our magazine is classy. ---- Latifa. Avenell

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Analysis of contents page

The language used for the contents page is colloquial which shows its for the average reader.I think the language is used for a older generation of teenagers.The background is white and written in black which makes it easy for the reader to see and understand the text.


Generic conventions - Front cover

Masthead- The masthead of the magazine cover is "NME!" Is on a white banner which makes the red and the black text stand out which contrast with the dark black clothing. The masthead is behind the image placed on the top left in a black bold title which is eye catching. Its important that its stands out to show the company logo so it can compete with other magazines in the industry. It also shows the significance of the magazine by using bold texts.

The magazine mentions other artist/musicians to attempt to sell the magazine to a broader audience. They have used a great photograph on the front cover because it is seen as the most section of the magazine. The extra information written on the side of this magazine shows what's new and exciting to read about also it is included to make the audience buy this particular magazine. The bright red is used to attract the target audience of teenagers to "NME".

The language used  is not very formal to attract to the younger generation. I think it emphasises  to more males than females because its set in bold , black and red, also the male band "Kasabian". 


Monday, 17 October 2011

Contents Pages

Analysis of Content Page
As you can see the Content Page is usually busy/crowded. They include many features
that can influence the reader to reading the magazine further. There can be images, inside info about the artist that are featured in the magazine, aswell as interesting use of launguage that will attract the reader to read on.


Friday, 7 October 2011


We wanted to get some more information for our focus group, so we created this questionnaire and asked 30 students the questions above.

Beth Pritchard, Chelsea Moody, Alyssia Williams & Latifa Avenell

Monday, 3 October 2011

Focus Group Questions

Plan of questions to ask focus group:
(edit intro profile for each person)
1. What type of music are you into ?
2. Do you buy music magazines?
3. How much  are you willing to spend on a music magazines?
4. What do you do on your spare time?
5.  would you rather find out about music through reading magazines or the internet?
6. Where would the product be available to buy?
7. What is your favourite artists, band or song?

( Give an example of a magazine to them)
8. What colours attracty you to a magazine?
9.  Which part of the magazine were you instantly attracted to and why?
10. Which elements of the magazine appealed to you the most?
11. Do you think the price is acceptable for the content of the magazine?

We have created a plan of questions to ask our focus group about our magazine. This really helped us establish want our focus group are looking for in a magazine, so we will use the answers we got to help us when creating our magazine.- latifa
Beth Pritchard, Chelsea Moody, Latifa avenell, Alyssia Willams